UltraDAO is a Biotech Research Organization Focusing on Ultrasound Development for Treating Neuronal Dysfunction
This Website Should Serve to Elucidate What We Do, Who We Are, And Our Core Mission
Landmark Alzheimer's & Dementia Treatment Study Funded by Ultrasound DAO
Published June 17th, 2024
Ultrasound DAO is proud to announce that we have successfully funded a pioneering study in the treatment of Alzheimer's and Dementia. This revolutionary research departs from traditional approaches by focusing on low-intensity ultrasound therapy that does not require opening of the blood-brain barrier, and notably, involves no pharmacological intervention.

For the first time in medical history, our study shifts the spotlight onto targeting Microtubules within the brain, rather than the Beta Amyloid Plaques which have been the focus of prior research. This shift is made all the more poignant in light of the recent retraction of studies that posited Beta Amyloid Plaques as the cause of Alzheimer's—a claim now debunked, regretfully after many years of misdirection.
At the core of our study is the analysis of vocal biomarkers emitted by patients immediately after receiving ultrasound stimulation. With the integration of advanced AI technology, it has become possible to analyze patient vocalizations with remarkable precision, providing immediate feedback on their response to the ultrasound treatment.

We have great confidence that this innovative application of ultrasound therapy paired with AI analysis will usher in a new era of diagnostic and therapeutic potential for Alzheimer's and Dementia care.

To learn more about our groundbreaking #study, we invite you to join the conversation on our Discord server. You can find the link pinned at the top of our page.
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to sharing further developments with our stakeholders and the public.
Ultrasound DAO
- June 17th, 2024
Recent Talks by Sterling Cooley in Encinitas, CA & UCSD
Using Ultrasound to Modify Enzymatic Activity - August, 2023
Recently we were honored to be invited on our most recent work around Enzymatic Modification using Ultrasound.

Below is a link to our PPT Presentation, feel free to open and use any of the links included:
Using Ultrasound to Modify Enzymatic Activity for Future Therapeutic Interventions

Key Points

* Enzyme therapies have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of various diseases. 
* Enzyme therapies are being developed for other conditions such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. 
* Ultrasound alone on the brain has shown effectiveness, but is limited when used alone due to the large power requirements.
* By combining safe drug compounds & Ultrasound it's possible to leverage the best of both world's and provide a safe, effective, and compelling treatment option.
* Frequencies matter, not just intensity & time of Ultrasound stimulation.

We look forward to exploring more therapeutic applications of this work with Ultrasound, as well as developing Ultrasound Enzyme data-points that may also improve food and drug development pipelines.

We have encounter quite a few publications publishing recent work on Ultrasound Bio-Reactors used in the processing of a growing industry built around plant-based foods. This also may represent an interesting direction for future work.

Thank you for reading!
Why Should UltraDAO Exist?
The next generation of Biomedical Technology won't come from pills
The emergence of Bioelectrical medicine holds incredible promise. Just as the first discovery of pharmaceutical compounds heralded an age of better than before medical treatments, so too will the wide adoption of Ultrasound stimulatory treatments herald an even greater force for health.

Thanks to recent advances in the understanding of how Ultrasound impacts healthy living human cells, the possibility to deliver safe and therapeutic doses of pulsed Ultrasound are enabling researchers and clinicians a front row seat to direct neural control.
Typically, direct neuronal modification has required well placed electrodes, or carefully delivered drugs, even genetic modification to enable photosensitivity. However, with the right frequencies of Ultrasound, delivered to specific neuronal clusters, scientists are now able to elicit intense and immediate bio-effects on living human cells.

This opens up a broad range of treatment possibilities that were off limits in the past due to cost, invasiveness, and risks of complex drug interactions. Ultrasound is enabling not only incredible treatment vistas, but an amazingly and not yet captured Intellectual Property space, which is certain to make any translational startup incredibly well poised to capture an emerging market.
Ultrasound Bio Stimulation Can Treat A Broad Range of Chronic Illnesses
Based on recent findings, one recently discovered killer application for Ultrasound is that of Splenic stimulation. By targeting the human spleen, researchers have discovered a powerful anti-inflammatory pathway.

Our UltraDAO seeks to enable, fund, assist, consult, develop, and ultimately help commercialize a number of Ultrasound based treatments that cover a range of auto-immunity disorders.

Read on to discover which type of treatments we believe can be treated using Pulsed Ultrasonic Neuromodulation Technology.
Treatments Using Ultrasound
Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Treatments Happening Currently & Future Directions
Using nothing more than small, easy to manufacture, pulsed Ultrasound systems, researchers and clinicians have been aiming to modulate immune function in the Human Spleen. This treatment is currently ongoing and showing promise in the treatment of many auto-immune disorders.

The Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway is a set of nerves in the Parasympathetic system, connected to the infamous Vagus Nerve. When Ultrasound waves are directed at these Cholinergic receptors, not more than 3 inches below the left rib cage, a robust and lasting anti-inflammatory cascade begins.
All academics, clinicians, and even industry players understand and accept that the ultimate effect that traditional forms of Vagus Nerve Stimulation - even the ones implanted in the cervical branch in the neck - end up in the Spleen.

As of the writing of this page, the US FDA has already approved VNS implants as a treatment for epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke rehabilitation, depression, and type 2 diabetes. That list will begin to increase, as other industry players are making moves for treating a number of expensive and chronic auto-immune conditions.
The future directions of treating the peripheral and central nervous system with Ultrasound will by as follows:

Treating Alzheimer's disease through pulsed ultrasound in the human pre-frontal cortex.

Treating Parkinson's disease through focused transcranial ultrasound to the brain stem.

Treating hormone imbalances by low-intensity pulsed ultrasound to the thyroid gland.

Treating Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis through the Splenic Anti-Inflammatory pathway, using Ultrasound directed through the rib cage.

These are just a few of the ongoing research studies happening right now. Due to the nature of Ultrasound, there are a few hurdles involved in translating incredible research into market ready applications. We will discuss that further down.
Our Existing Portfolio
Our Community Already Has Claim to a Broad Spectrum of Ultrasound Related Research and IP
Sterling Cooley founded Berkeley Ultrasound, Inc. in 2014. This company would be the sole and exclusive vendor for Ultrasound Investigational Device research projects in Tucson, Arizona, USA from 2014 - 2017. During this time our PI and colleagues at the Center for Consciousness Studies would publish numerous and impressive research papers on Ultrasound Neuromodulation.

Below are a number of findings and publications made by members of the UltraDAO community.
Transcranial Focused Ultrasound to the Right Prefrontal Cortex Improves Mood and Alters Functional Connectivity in Humans 2020

Transcranial Ultrasound (TUS) Effects on Mental States: A Pilot Study 2012

And from other colleagues in our Tucson cohort:

Increased Excitability Induced in the Primary Motor Cortex by Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation 2016

Meta Study on Ultrasound Neuromodulation & Non-invasive neural stimulation 2017

To read more about the Ultrasonic Neuromodulation Field, you can visit our team managed Subreddit: www.reddit.com/r/UNOMOD
The existing research points to a compelling future:

That medicine could be delivered through carefully tuned high frequency Ultrasonic stimulation devices.

Our priority with UltraDAO is to enable a shared and collaborative environment fro researchers, patients, and industry partners to propel these needed technologies into the world.

We can no longer sit around and wait for someone else to "do it."
Latest News
The recent directions of Ultrasound Neuromodulation is shared below.
Most recently, a lot of interest has been poured into using Pulsed Ultrasound to stimulate the Human Spleen.

Just a small device can deliver an effective dose of Ultrasound through the rib cage, and the effects are almost immediate and lasting. We suspect this one field in particular is ripe for disruption.

An effective strategy to make a beach head in this one area alone could provide tremendous growth for UltraDAO and collaborators.
One of our core collaborators in this field has been Dr. Stuart Hameroff, he is well known for his contribution to the field of understanding the Microtubule systems in the brain, and how complex cytoskeletal networks give rise to complex consciousness processes. He's best known for the creation of the Orch OR theory alongside Sir Roger Penrose of Oxford University in 1988.

He recently published an article hypothesizing Ultrasound Stimulation to the Spleen may be an effective tool in the fight against Covid infections.

How COVID-19 Hijacks the Cytoskeleton: Therapeutic Implications 2022

In Summary, the field of Ultrasound Neuromodulation faces similar obstacles to drug research. 

The people are there, the tools are readily available. However, we need an organization that can see these unique technologies through the dreaded Valley of Death.

Taking note of the recent and seemingly successful models paved by Molecule and VitaDAO for drug discovery, we at UltraDAO believe this is the right model to start with to guarantee that one, or more, of these novel applications for Ultrasound can see itself through the Valley.

Thank you for reading, more information to come soon.
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